I want to express my appreciation for your help in pursuing my diminished value claim against the auto liability insurer who insured the party responsible for my vehicle’s damage.  As the result of the collision, my automobile sustained almost $11,000 in repair cost.  You reviewed the repairs to my vehicle and gave me a report evaluating the diminished value loss to my vehicle. After I demanded diminished value damages in addition to the repair cost, the responsible party’s insurer offered to pay approximately $1,700 for my diminished value loss.  Your evaluation of my loss was much greater than their offer which they refused to increase.

With the assistance of your report and testimony in Small Claims Court, the Judge awarded me damages that approximated the amount of your estimate of my loss.  The insured’s attorney did file an appeal of this award to the Superior Court.  However, by obtaining the Small Claims Court award, I was able to negotiate a settlement of almost 3 times their original offer without having to obtain an attorney that would have meant incurring substantial legal expense.

Thanks again for your assistance in evaluating and testifying to my diminished value damages that allowed me to eventually reach a more reasonable settlement of my claim with the auto liability insurer.  Yours Sincerely,

John Gafford